Friday, July 29, 2011


Meet Nick, my boyf! :D

Meet my new-found travel buddy on the Qatar airlines: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!

I first saw Spongebob on some little kid's hands after we arrived at Doha Airport, queuing to clear security check. I was so envy of the little kid that I kept tugging on N's shirt that I want the spongebob so badly. It reminds me of the time when I went on XinShanghai OCIP and SIA airlines was giving out toys to kids too. I feel like smacking my head for forgetting to check it out on Qatar. I was so disappointed because I thought I will not be able to get my hands on one until January when I am on Qatar airlines again back to Singapore. Then, N calmly retorted that we still have one more flight before we finally reach our destination (Paris). AND THEN, all of a sudden, I saw that silver lining. WOOHOOOO. OK, it kept my hopes up high and I was really looking forward to the next flight.

After 8hrs and 30 mins of waiting, we are finally on board of our 2nd flight to Paris.

Let me side-track my story a little.

Our second flight could have been a pain in the ass because our seats were in the center aisle  - the middle two of the 4 seats. We didn't have a choice because all other seats by the windows were conspicuously taken up when we were doing our online purchase. N was guessing that it could be reserved for some tour groups while I was just staring blankly into the seating plan in horror.

True enough, THERE WAS A TOUR GROUP ON BOARD. That tour group is unbelievably HUGE and they are all PRCs. :(((( I don't discriminate but they were being very noisy on board the aircraft. There were families and kids everywhere, people yakking away like there's no tomorrow and kids making all sorts of funny noises. I felt so suffocated.

N nudged me to just settle down and still say that at least we have 2 seats each to ourselves so that we can lie down and rest. Within minutes of him saying that, this old aunty with a fan (hello, is the airplane not cold enough for you?) suddenly came from her seat just diagonal to mine and sat beside me and says, ‘这里没人坐对吗?’ I can't help but to roll my eyes and it pisses me even more when she started talking to the people in front of her. I need my peace, please! :( I was very upset by how things are turning out and how these inconsiderate people are ruining my experience. Before I exploded in front of these people, I stood up and went to scan around for available seats.


The two seats had extra leg spaces for us! Woohoo. My eyes lit up and I went back to find N to change our seats. Once again, I AM VERY OFFENDED when i came back to find that MY SEAT has been occupied yet again by another PRC woman. What is wrong with them? 

Angry! I just took my bags and N's and asked him to follow me to the back. That's how we got those seats and THANK YOU MADAMS FOR YOUR GREAT HELP. We got nice seats because of you.

Ok, back to my travel buddies.

As soon as I settled down my stuffs at our new seats, I immediately went straight up to the air steward(not stewardess.. ;)) and asked him if I could have a spongebob squarepants, already prepared to whine, flirt, act touristy or gain pity just to get my hands on a spongebob. Thankfully, he was very nice and went to get one for me without a word. So YUP, this is how i got my Spongebob! <3<3!!

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