Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pledge-A-Walk with Gentle Paws and other volunteering opportunities

The past weekend has been amazing with so many things happening all at the same time! Gordon Ramsy was here in Singapore for the Hawker Challenge organized by Singtel, David Beckham was in town to meet 60 local children from The Guardian Academy and students from Singapore Association for the Deaf's affiliated schools and a surprise visit from Christian Ronaldo at Crest Secondary School to inspire the students to pursue their dreams of becoming a national sports player.

I did not managed to see any of them sadly but I almost managed to catch a glipmse of Gordon Ramsay if I had drove past 328 Katong Laksa later than I did..What I saw was just this:
The crew getting ready for filming before Gordon Ramsay arrives to meet the boss of 328 Katong Laksa
For the last whole of last week, I was eagerly looking forward to my second visit to the dog shelter at Pasir Ris Farmway with Cheryl. We walked the dogs, bathe them and fed them. Walks are very important to these rescued dogs because they are kept in a confined space for most of the days and they need to release their mental and physical energy. So, when the shelter is open to the volunteers, the dogs are often happy to see them because that means they will get to go out.

I was assigned to this dog call Small Girl and she is a pretty and gentle mongrel. Word is that, together with her sister aka Big Girl, they were rescued from the industrial estate and saved from being captured by the authorities.

To be honest, Small Girl and I are world apart. I am the really noisy and chirpy one who gets SUPER EXCITED just by looking at the dogs while she tend to be just roaming around quietly and waiting for things to happen. I remembered I was so happy to take the dog out on a walk that I playfully mounted myself on her and she immediately got this really timid look as if saying, "you are too damn noisy for me". OPPS. I forgot that not every dog is like N's dogs who are playful enough like me to handle me.

So anyway, enough of talking and I shall let the pictures do the talk of our experience at the shelter.  (P.S. the cats do not belong to the Gentle Paws shelter, we just happen to see these cuties beside the shelter who loves the camera more. :P)

Maybe not. 

Give me your hand!!

You..must be new here. Do you have food?

Beautiful grey eyes

Does this reminds you of the elevator scene in PSY's Gangnam Style?

The dog-ception! Can you see it on Hachiko's body?

This is Small Girl with Green!

Another one.. smile!

Many smooches *loves*

That's me with Small Girl and Hachiko

Finally got a goofy shot with small girl! :B

Visit here for more information on volunteering at Gentle Paws.
Location of Gentle Paws: Pasir Ris Farmway 2, No. 16
Do note that it is important to drop them an email first for all first-timers and dog-walking is not guaranteed, depending on the turnout!

It is a joy to spend time with the dogs if you are a dog-lover. There are also many other shelters that allows you to volunteer your time and help the dogs out.

Save Our Street Dogs is another non-profit organization that is dedicated to saving and making a difference for the street dogs in Singapore. They are currently looking for volunteers to join their PREO (Public Relations, Education & Outreach) team to give talks and reach out to the public. If you are keen, email sostreetdog@gmail.com with your details.

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