Thursday, July 4, 2013

5 Things in School That Made Me Happy As a Kid

Many years back, I had that bitter-sweet memories of my secondary school days. Today, I was on my way to work and my memory was jolted back as I saw this boy in his uniform rushing to school carrying his Chinese Orchestra instrument with his uniform untucked.

I smiled when I looked back, it was those days of fun without a care in the world and a balancing act between being a good and not-so-good student.

So here's what made me naively happy during my school days:

1. Interruptions during classes
As long as it shortens the 'torture' of lessons, I would gladly welcome it. Be it my crush knocking on my classroom's door and walking in with some announcement to be passed on or even the lame fire drills, happiness sets in. It was neither because I hated learning nor was it that I disliked my teachers, it is just that much needed break that I looked forward to.

2. Recess
THAT long-awaited recess bell, I could still remember how the chairs would shift in cacophony across the level of the school building when the bells ring. Again, happiness at this moment is very much like fireworks setting off in your heart because you know you can heartily chat with your BFFs and have your favorite curry chicken or nasi lemak. Yes, happiness was that simple.

3. Erasing the white/black board
AM I MAD? I guess so, but back then I really loved helping out to wipe the board. Perhaps it helps to de-stress or maybe it's because how teachers often fail to wipe off everything before they start writing on the board so those stray marks on the board are just staring right back at you.

4. Physical Education (P.E.) Lessons
I know, I know, most of us hated PE because it made us sweaty and tired. But to me, it was one of my favorite subject which I loved deeply. I could never sit still in class, so yes ( 3 hours lesson in university was really a pain-in-the-ass) anything that allows me to move around is celebratory to me. Back then, it was so easy to get players for any sports. Thinking about it, who really plays group sports now? Most of us are reduced to doing individual sports such as swimming and running. So yup, 身在福中不知福. I don't even play netball anymore. If there's one thing i can re-live it's that short few minutes of airtime given by my teacher to lead the warm up. Classic.

Meow~ I am the queen of poker.

5. Post-exam weeks
Right after the major exams and before the start of school holidays, there will always be these few weeks where there will be no lessons for the students and all of us will be having our fun time in the classroom. We used to play UNO and Big 2. I still remembered how one of my classmate was on a winning streak but it was really just him stacking up his two cards into one and shout 'UNO' to make us think that he was left with a card! Those were the fun times.

So to all the students out there, be thankful of whatever you have right now cos those memories will be the best gift of your life. :)

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