Friday, June 10, 2011

Nightingale Nursing Home mistreats patients

Atrocious, shocking and despicable.

For those who have not heard about this incident, here is what had happened at Nightingale Nursing Home.

A video footage has captured how the nurses at Nightingale Nursing Home had disrespectfully treated their patients. The lack of compassion was clearly evident when the frail old lady was left half-naked, exposed and thrown onto the bed after 30 minutes. These nurses sashayed down and behaved like a queen thinking that these old folks have no way of telling on them. When the old lady whimpered after being thrown onto her bed, one of the nurses actually smacked her mouth to shut her up. Throughout this whole ordeal, no one seemed to bother or tried to stop any of such misdeeds from happening. Have they lost their morals?

As a professional healthcare provider, having a compassionate heart and strong mental endurance is a must. How could they have forgotten about treating patients with respect and dignity. Albeit these patients may have lost certain bodily functions, that did not make them any less than a normal human. Does being ill means losing your human rights? In response to the incident, the management has looked into the issue and has disciplined the employees involved.


I am sorry maybe I did not hear correctly but WHAT?

So only disciplinary actions were taken on them?

The management is making a HUGE MISTAKE. I hope you realised that this is a piece of national news read and heard by at least 3 million people. Among these 3 million people, there are people with aged parents and probably have the intention to send their parents to a nursing home for better care. Oh, and not to mention the patients who are currently under your care at the nursing home. Would any filial sons and daughters not withdraw their parents from your nursing home because of these incident? I am quite sure given enough time, the occupancy rate will fall.

What had warranted such behaviour from these nurses?
Were they insufficiently paid?
Were they working long hours?
Was it just a case of a personal abuse?
Or, most patients were abused and mistreated?
Were there more nurses involved?

The management of Nightingale Nursing Home ought to give a better explanation and accountability for this issue. This is not something that could be taken lightly and brushed off as just something that happens 'once in a blue moon'.

Trust was given to you, do not misplaced it for it is hard to earn back.
Falling ill wasn't a choice that these patients make, they do not deserve to be humiliated or abused.

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