Thursday, June 9, 2011


It's been a few years since I blogged regularly.
I definitely missed the blogosphere while I was gone.
But a writer's block is a writer's block.
Well, since I've found an awesome blog design, it's a sign to start blogging once again!

Ok, frankly speaking, I have no idea which is better - Wordpress or Blogger.
I wanted to set up a blog in Wordpress but apparently it requires a fee for usage of custom CSS codes. Sadly, I really adore this theme which I found and I am very determined to use it. Fortunately, I managed to find a replica of it for blogger!! So I guess it's fated for me to stay loyal to Blogger.

Here's what to expect for the upcoming months I have set myself to do for this blog:
1. Travelling updates
2. Beauty D-I-Y
3. Interesting articles
4. My views on current affairs

So here goes my blogging journey! :)

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