Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to stay sane at your workplace.

Honestly, I am not the best at handling emotions at workplace especially when people get my goat. It has taken some time for me to learn how to stay sane at work.

Tip 1: Always have a perk-me-up playlist available.
Make it a point to update your playlist with new songs so that those outdated songs which you have grown weary of won't be the next irritant to your already-horrible day. Listening to your favorite songs with you not only distract you from your stress-sources but also sets you on a momentum to settle on your never-ending list of tasks. Here's my favorite mix that never fails to energize me and prepare me for the challenges ahead.

Tip 2: Take control over your emotions.
Stress can be better handled when you are more aware of your emotions. How big a deal is stress to you really depends on how your emotions get the better of you. Once you feel the stress hitting you, control your emotions before you realised it's too late to control it. Head outdoor and take in some fresh air! Don't sweat about the uncontrollable and focus on improving the things in your workplace that is within your control. Distract yourself from the pointless struggles and look on the brighter side of life. :)

Tip 3: Cheer up!
Funny colleagues are a plus but if they are not, don't get too hung up by it too. I used to think that my colleagues are too focused and too quiet at work. I dwelled on it and soon felt like work is too mundane for me. Then it dawned on me that it's nobody's responsibility to lighten up the mood except you, yourself. I drew inspiration from my mentor at work, let's call him W. Despite the fact that he is the overall in-charge facing tremendous stress from both his bosses and the client, he always puts on a cheerful front and find the little joys in the mundane stuff that we do. I realized that it is this little trick to keep his passion going and to keep him working the long hours. In fact, spreading joy among your colleagues can also cheer yourself up. So take charge and find your own little joys at work!

Tip 4: Don't become a slave to your work.
There are crazy deadlines to meet and endless reports to prepare. No matter how fast or how slow you do your work, work is never-ending. Learn to manage your deadlines instead of letting them dictate your life.

Tip 5: Restart and refresh.
At the end of the day, don't let the burden weigh you down when you leave for home. Go back home, back to where your sanctuary is. Do some sports. Have a good sleep and tomorrow will be a better day.

Have a good weekend, folks! :)

Favorite quote of the week :)

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