Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Effective viral video makes round: takethislollipop

An interactive and surreal site named TakeThisLollipop have taken the online community by storm. With 957,026 Facebook likes as of 25th Oct, the message that creator Jason Zada wants to relay has travelled far and wide - Beware of the information you share online.

It uses Facebook Connect to connect with a user's profile and upon clicking on the Lollipop, the site will transfer information into the 'live' video and shows a disheveled and psychotic man sitting in a darkened room trolling through the user's live profile. The video reflects the real dangers of revealing personal information on social networks.

Catch the trailer below:

If you haven't try it, I think you should! Visit Takethislollipop now.

*Spoiler Alert*

The effects are so surreal that I felt chills as I watched on how Bill Oberst Jr. hacked into my account, browse through my photos with a psychotic look, checked out my friends and finally tracked down my address. The video ends with him driving in his car presumably to my house. I got a shock when my house door really opened when I did not expect anyone to come home and then to realise it's my housemate who just came back. I give full marks to the visual and sound effects.

At the end of the video, it shows a countdown to the stalker's next target on your friend's list.

taken from takethislollipop.com

Here's a Youtube version if you have decided not to subject yourself with the torment but I must say, the effects are much less gratifying. (taken from youtube, JasonLawson)

Scary? I think it is to be hacked/ stalked or both. Most of us are so comfortable with sharing information with people and organisations nowadays that our situation awareness is almost zero. I say it's time to revisit your profile and clean up any sensitive personal information. :)

What do you think of Jason Zada's video?

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